





  1. **需求沟通**:项目初期,我们派遣了专业的客户经理与学校负责人进行了深入的沟通,详细了解了比赛的主题、风格、参与人数以及预算等关键信息。基于这些信息,我们为客户量身定制了一套租赁方案,包括服装款式推荐、尺码统计、租赁周期安排等。

  2. **服装选择与定制**:考虑到合唱比赛的正式性与艺术性,我们精选了多款设计优雅、色彩和谐的合唱服供学校挑选。最终,学校选定了一款既符合比赛主题又能展现学生青春活力的服装款式。随后,我们根据学校提供的尺码信息,迅速完成了服装的定制与调配工作。

  3. **物流配送与试穿**:在约定的时间内,我们将所有合唱服打包整齐,通过专业的物流渠道安全送达学校。同时,我们安排了技术人员现场协助学校进行服装的试穿与调整,确保每位学生都能找到合身的服装。

  4. **现场支持与回收**:比赛当天,我们派遣了工作人员到现场提供必要的支持与协助,确保服装在比赛过程中的完美呈现。比赛结束后,我们按照约定的时间回收了所有租赁的合唱服,并进行了细致的清洗与整理,为下一次租赁做好准备。








  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Choir Costume Rental in Nanjing, Jiangsu**

  In Nanjing, a city rich in history and vitality, cultural activities thrive, with each performance embodying the dedication and hard work of many. Recently, Yuantong Rental had the privilege of partnering with a renowned middle school in Nanjing, successfully fulfilling their choir competition costume rental needs. This collaboration not only garnered high praise from the client but also reaffirmed our expertise in short-term rental services.

  **Project Background**

  Renowned for its profound cultural heritage and outstanding arts education, this middle school hosts an annual choir competition, a platform for students to showcase their talents and the schools artistic achievements. To enhance the overall effect of the competition, the school decided to rent high-quality choir costumes. Among numerous rental providers, Yuantong Rental stood out with its extensive experience, diverse style options, and flexible rental plans.

  **Service Process**

  1. **Demand Communication**: Initially, our professional account manager conducted thorough discussions with the schools representatives, gathering crucial information such as the competitions theme, style, participant count, and budget. Based on these insights, we tailored a rental plan, including costume recommendations, size statistics, and rental period arrangements.

  2. **Costume Selection & Customization**: Recognizing the formality and artistry of the choir competition, we presented several elegantly designed, harmoniously colored costumes for the schools selection. The chosen style, embodying both the competitions theme and the students youthful vitality, was then customized and allocated according to the provided size data.

  3. **Logistics, Fitting & Adjustment**: Timely, we packaged the costumes neatly and delivered them safely to the school via professional logistics. On-site

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